Change of the Fund Name Notice

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Website Update Notice
The following update is not considered materially adverse and should be read together with the main PDS.
Change of the Fund Name
Atlas Funds Management Pty Ltd ABN 83 612 499 528 AFSL No. 491395 (Atlas), in its role as investment manager, and One Managed Investment Funds Limited ABN 47 117 400 987 AFSL No. 297042 (OMIFL) as the responsible entity, are pleased to confirm that the name of the Atlas High Income Property Fund has been changed to Atlas Australian Equity Income Fund (ARSN 618 658 567) (the Fund), mFund Code AFM01.
There are no other impacts to the current strategy of the Fund. The Fund’s new investment strategy will be implemented when the new Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Additional Information Booklet (AIB) is issued shortly. We will keep our investors informed of any updates, which will be available on our website: