Atlas Australian Equity Income Fund

Atlas Australian Equity Income Fund

Atlas Funds Management launched the Atlas Australian Equity Income Fund in the first quarter of 2017, and the Fund now has over now has 100 unitholders and is, therefore, a ‘disclosing entity’ for the purposes of the Corporations Act 2001. Click here for the notice from the Fund’s Responsible Entity.

This Fund is open to retail investors. More information on how to invest is available here, along with the Fund’s Target Market Determination.

Unit prices are updated daily on the ASX’s website

Continuous Disclosure Notice June 2024 Distribution

Continuous Disclosure Notice Change of Address

Continuous Disclosure Notice – Proposed Change of Investment Strategy and Fund Name Notice

Continuous Disclosure Notice – Change of Fund Name Notice

Through a combination of trust distributions and additional income from selling calls, we aim to deliver a consistent 1.75% distribution per quarter or a 7% annual yield to investors.

This Fund utilises a detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis to create a concentrated portfolio of property securities within the Australian listed property sector.

The objective is to build a portfolio of high-quality listed property securities that

(1) offer recurring earnings backed by rental streams, not one-off development profits,

(2) trade at a discount to NTA (net tangible assets), and

(3) have a lower level of gearing than the ASX200 Property Index.

(4) deliver a stable and growing stream of distributions to investors.

We believe this approach has delivered lower volatility and avoided the value-destructive capital raisings that the less conservative property trusts were forced to make during the GFC.

The investment style for this Fund is based on quality investing. We seek to avoid risky property trusts, which are often those with a large proportion of earnings derived from one-off transactions. We aim to populate the portfolio with investments in trusts that have high-quality recurring earnings and improving earnings quality. In our experience, the market might misprice a trust’s earnings as low quality when the underlying fundamentals of that trust are improving.

Additionally, we seek to boost income by utilising an active strategy of selling call options over this portfolio of ASX-listed property securities. This effectively converts a portion of tomorrow’s uncertain gains into certain income today. The advantage of selling covered calls every quarter is that unlike other property funds that receive distributions from the trusts held twice a year in August and February, the Atlas Australian Equity Income Fund will receive extra income four times a year. This will allow us to pay distributions quarterly to investors and we will be seeking to deliver an annual yield of 7% paid quarterly in arrears.

Investors can access this Fund through a Product Disclosure Statement issued by the independent Responsible Entity of the Fund, One Managed Investment Funds Limited. The Fund’s Additional Information Booklet can be accessed here

The Fund can also be traded online via the ASX’s mFunds service

The Fund’s Annual Report for 2023 is available here

Financial Statements for Financial Year 2024 is available here

Recently the Fund’s Responsible Entity Changed their address click here for the announcement of this update to the PDS

If you wish to contact the Fund’s Responsible Entity regarding a complaint, please click on this link for further information

General advice warning: 

Atlas Funds Management has not taken your or your clients’ objectives, financial situation or needs into account when preparing our website content so it may not be applicable to the particular situation you are considering.  You should consider your and your clients’ circumstances and our product disclosure statement and Additional Information Booklet, before making any investment decision.  You can access any product disclosure statement that is available for an investment in a Fund that is managed by us online or by contacting us.  This website was prepared in good faith and we accept no liability for any errors or omissions.  Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.